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Opportunity Knocks! A 2020 Vision of EastEnders...

So, our suspicions have finally been confirmed – EastEnders will go off air for the first time in its 35 year history, thanks to Covid-19. When I first figured this would happen, it was as the lockdown came into enforcement in late March, and I was suitably saddened. However, now? Not so much.

Perhaps it’s because I’m so accustomed to the 2-episodes-a-week structure of the programme now, that the prospect of that whittling it down to zero isn’t so daunting. Or maybe it’s because, as an unfortunate side effect of the recent episode-skimping, the pace of the programme has slowed considerably, and I’m finding myself excited at the thought of a fresh start.

I remember reading a post on Walford Web a year or so ago, where a member proposed a hiatus for EastEnders, followed by a so-called ‘soft reboot’. This would be to accommodate for stale storylines to be scrapped, deadwood cast to be swiftly axed and time to be allotted for new plots to be crafted. Although when I read this, I didn’t like the thought of the show almost admitting defeat and facing the embarrassment of its first ever hiatus, the idea of putting the show to rest for a while and starting afresh with stories whose crafting processes could be given breathing space, did sound appealing.

Therefore, I’m embracing this break with open arms. I think it will be really fascinating to see how the show introduces us to ‘Series 2’. Often, in non-serial dramas, the series premiere every year is a real highlight, and trying to discern what characters have been up to over the summer break creates an air of mystery which I know I, and many other viewers, lap up.

For 35 years, we have been constant voyeurs into the lives of those in Albert Square. Dramatic irony, perhaps the greatest tool in the soap genre’s arsenal, has been gifted to us a-plenty over the years. Thus, the fact that, for once, we have the potential to be completely in the dark over what’s been going on in Walford, could allow for some really innovative storytelling. I guess it’s a bit like what the show was trying to achieve with the Kat/Derek affair in 2012. Unfortunately, that story didn’t exactly go down well with viewers, but the general idea of being able to apply the classic ‘whodunnit’ trope into every single story upon the show’s return is a really exciting concept.

Certainly, the news of the break is sweetened by the recent announcement of the BBC’s plans to not only broadcast classic episodes on BBC One, but also to screen brand-new, behind-the-scenes content and interviews with the stars of the show. How exciting that the GBP will be reminded of the glory of EastEnders at its finest with the classic repeats, and how brilliant for us fans that we will get some long-awaited content from the cast. I mentioned in my post ‘Soaps, Social Media and PSB Promotion’ that EastEnders could really do with creating more online content featuring cast interviews and other fun backstage tidbits, so to see this being realised for the first time in a while, and on the actual television, is really brilliant. For a while, it looked as though the BBC weren’t going to bother keeping the appetites of EastEnders fans supplemented over the break, and that we might just be condemned to endless repeats of Would I Lie To You? in its place. I guess we should really start placing more faith in Auntie Beeb.

One thing I would say, though, is that from the sounds of it, the classic repeats are going to be some really famous episodes, such as the 1994 ‘Sharongate’ reveal and Christmas 2007. Although these are real favourites amongst the public, I’m still holding out hope that some less-remembered, but equally brilliant episodes, will be shown (particularly as the Sharongate reveal is set to be shown on Drama in only a couple of months anyway). Who wouldn’t love a bit of Blackpool 1996, with its brilliant 90s party atmosphere and the historic kiss between Tony and Simon on the pier? Or what about a slice of Ian getting a hit put on him by Cindy? (I must say, it baffles me that people don’t talk more about the mid-90s period of the show. It really was excellent). I am pleased, however, to hear that Den and Angie’s two-hander is being shown. That is definitely an underrated gem.

An iconic moment. Speaking of iconic - how great is Tiffany's sparkly pink top? I've been searching for one like it for years. I'm obsessed!

So, what am I hoping to see in Series 2?

Well, an escalation of the Gray/Chantelle story would be welcomed. Although I appreciate the narrative reasons for it, I do feel their story has been stuck in the same point for many months now, and to finally see it explode would be deliciously cathartic after all this time. There has been much talk over the lockdown of rates of domestic violence rising as people are shut in their homes with abusive partners. If Chantelle’s story ends positively, and Gray gets the comeuppance he deserves, this could send out a message of hope to those who have been stuck in a terrible situation over the last few months.

Keegan’s story is in a similar, circling rut. Then again, it might be that this is the sort of story which will never really have a conclusion, due to its need to mirror real-life issues with racism, and I appreciate that. Maybe, when the show returns, we could see that Keegan has been doing some campaigning, perhaps even for Black Lives Matter, if the show really wants to get with the times. Activism looked to be a promising story with Carmel after Shakil’s death, but with her leaving Walford soon after her son’s demise, we unfortunately did not get to see that story really play out. Therefore, to see Keegan turning his situation into something positive, would make for some good and topical viewing.

In the most recent episode of the show, we saw Keegan telling Tiffany that he wanted to go to Croydon without her. Although I enjoyed their initial getting-together, I do feel Tiffany is too good of a young character to be tied down already, and I wouldn’t be averse to seeing a divorce story in place when the show comes back. Let’s see Tiffany pairing up with the long-underused Bernie again and get them painting the town red! We desperately need that youthful energy in the show again to bring in a bigger teenager audience to sustain the programme’s future. Let’s get them to bring the same spark to the show that Tiffany and Bianca did back in the day!

Back to Keegan, I’d like to see more screen time altogether for EastEnders’ black characters. I’m loving seeing Denise become the new Pat in her embracing of the agony aunt role in the show. However, she does still feel quite isolated, and I’d love to see more everyday domestic scenes for her and her clan. One idea that has been chatted about on Walford Web is of Denise trying to track down her father. What with her relationship with her mother being rocky at best, I think this would be an interesting route to take, especially as Denise’s current stories all revolve around other people, rather than her own personal journeys. Diane Parish has proven time and time again that she is one of the best actresses in the cast, and to see her shine at the forefront of her own big story once again would be sublime!

Then, presumably, unless quarantine rules dictate otherwise, the return of EastEnders will also see the return of Patrick from his annual holiday. I really think it’s time to see some explosions going off in the Isaac/Patrick/Sheree story. I’m ready for the drama!

Hopefully, Series 2’s opening will coincide with Stacey’s return to the Square. I think this would be an ideal front-running plot to really get the show off to an explosive start again. Let’s see Martin and Ruby together properly after the hiatus, so as to really get Stacey riled up. After all, she hit Phil to protect Martin, so to see him now getting it on with her best friend, will create some great, soapy drama. It’s been too long since we saw Stacey scrapping in the Square gardens…

A moment!

And then there’s the matter of the Vic. It’s going to be difficult to create much of an atmosphere in there due to social distancing guidelines, but I do think the departure of the Carters from the helm of the pub should be used as an opportunity to make the Vic the centre of the programme once more. It’s been so long since it had a real, bustling feel to it. I sorely miss the days of multi-strand scenes in the Vic, and just seeing regular characters in the background, sipping on a glass of orange juice. Hopefully the pub’s new owners will bring some new energy to the establishment. I’m not too bothered who takes it on, but if it’s not Sharon, then I do hope she still remains front and centre of the programme. I’m still bitter about Dennis’ death, so I’d at least like for the aftermath of his demise to provide some good drama. Perhaps that will be the big Christmas story this year?

Or, how about a long-overdue murder mystery? After all, that’s how the show started way back in 1985. Now, that would be something to really bring the viewers in. The hiatus could become a narrative tool whereby we’ve not seen the victim’s wrongdoings in the run up to their murder, and thus guessing the culprit would be really fun. I’m not really a fan of the flashy, anti-‘house style’ approach that the show has been taking in the last year, but certainly some flashbacks and other similar tricks could be used to create a really fantastic mystery which then explodes at Christmas, allowing the production team to build up some new stories on-screen ready for 2021.

Perhaps Reg has a long-lost son who can be killed off purely for the sake of some cheeky narrative symmetry?

The only thing I wouldn’t particularly welcome would be if the show takes this ‘reboot’ as an opportunity to completely scrap the show’s original house style and go full-on Hollyoaks. I must say, I’m really not a fan of the non-diegetic music being used at the moment. In my opinion, it cheapens scenes, is unnecessary and hints at a lack of faith in the show’s quality to the point where the music is being used to supposedly evoke emotion in the viewer. I really find it so jarring and it completely takes me out of the action. Imagine the harrowing scene where Carol Jackson walks silently down the market after hearing Billie has died, with some cheap, royalty-free-sounding music playing over the top? It would have completely ruined it. I might do a separate post about this if this sort of thing continues when the show returns as I really resent it. Incidental music and flashy SFX do not a good drama make!

Anyway, as I said, I’ll keep that particular rant bottled up for the time being. All I’ll say is, I’ll be deeply disappointed if the show becomes completely unrecognisable upon its return. This sort of trickery just isn’t soap, and it certainly isn’t EastEnders. Soaps rely on familiarity and gritty reality. Playing random bits of piano for 3 seconds once every couple of weeks is just bizarre and I think the show’s budget should really be allocated elsewhere.

Not a fan of the use of music here, for example. I think the most haunting part about EastEnders funerals is how quiet they usually are. I just don't think this scene needed music over the top.

But yeah, as I said, enough of that. I’m being positive and actively anticipating a refreshed EastEnders whenever it comes back. This is certainly a scenario none of us could have imagined even a few months ago, but as with everything else involved with Covid-19, we have to make the most of the situation we’re in, and I hope EastEnders does just that. This is a real opportunity to not only freshen up the show’s stories, but also to coax in some new viewers, and I’m so ready!


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